Sunday, September 24, 2006

Prof. Lin, Chang-Ching

L-Moments: Theory and Applications

We are very pleased to announce that the next WETA meeting will be held on Sept. 30 (Saturday), 3:00 pm at Room C103, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica (IEAS). Our speaker is Prof. Chang-Ching Lin from IEAS. The topic he wants to talk is about L-moments. Since it is a new topic for most of us, I have asked Prof. Lin to give us more examples about this issue. To illustrate the basic idea of L-moments more clearly, Prof. Lin would like to split his talk into TWO. Thus, the next speech of Prof. Lin will take place on Nov. 4 (Saturday). For the lecture notes, please go to our gmail space and download it.
Yu-Lieh Huang


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