Friday, October 27, 2006

Prof. Lin, Chang-Ching

L-Moments: Theory and Applications

We would like to remind you that the WETA meeting will be held on Nov. 4 (Saturday), 3:00 pm at National Chengchi University (政大綜合院館南棟10樓研討室). At the meantime, we arrange a sightseeing tour for the families to visit the famous spot of Chengchi U., 政大後山. Please send me a mail and tell me who would like to join this sightseeing tour.

For the entertainment program after the talk on Sat. evening, we have reserved a restaurant named 山水客. Following is the web-site of this restaurant:
I would like to give my thanks to Prof. Lin, Hsin-Yi who helps me to arrange the seminar room in Chengchi U. and reserve the restaurant.
Yu-Lieh Huang