Saturday, September 01, 2007

Welcome: 2006 WETA Meeting

After one year hiatus, we are pleased to announce the return of the Workshop on Econometrics: Theory and Application (WETA). The 2006 WETA meeting will be held at Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica in Taipei, at the end of every month. The meeting will start at 3:00 pm to allow most of you to travel to Taipei.
The aim of WETA is to bring together young and established researchers working in the field of Econometrics. We anticipate that many of you will welcome the return of this meeting and the opportunity to present your ongoing research. To facilitate participation in the meeting, some limited funding support to cover expenses related to travel is available. If such support is necessary, please contact with the organizer.
To strengthen our connection, some entertainment programs (such as dining, activities, etc.) will be held after the meeting. Families of the WETA members are welcome to join us. Note that the entertainment schedule is subject to change.
Yu-Lieh Huang (


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